Tuesday, March 5, 2013

My 3 NOT-so-Evil Exes....

[The story you're about to read is true. The names are changed to protect the innocent]

[The booty i received at the end of my teen life]

     As a budding teenager, I was admonished by my parents to focus only on my education, rather than pursue romance.  This was one of many words of caution given to me by my strict upbringing.  Of course, my inner youth cried out, "fuck that, I'm not leaving my teenage years without some action". I say that to illustrate that as I look back on my past relationships, I come to find that they weren't as bad as most of the relationships I hear about.  With that, I will expose my three previous, yet no so recent girlfriends in chronological order.

     September 18, 2002 was a date I remember well. Prior to that time, a friend of mine introduced me to her.  Nicole was shy viola player from Ohio, who was sweet, smart and caring.  We had some nice one-on-one time together; always meeting each other between classes. The previously mentioned date was when a blackout occurred on campus before classes began.  I've been kissed and have kissed girls before, but not in the fashion that would set the stage for us being together.  Of course, it was the talk of the school; the oddball popular anime nerd who can't break his parent's bank got himself a girlfriend.  This lasted up until the end of the year, inherently it was something of a birthday present for the both of us, seeing that we were both born on the same month [November].  Though we ended it on equal terms without any complaints and bs found in romance novels, I feel that this was the more sound of the three.

     Love at first sight might feel arbitrary, but some benefit from this principle.  Aiding me in putting this to the test was Denise.  2004 was the year that I would officially explore the world that proved that high school drama was bullshit, and romance was no exception.  Oddly enough, sex was on the menu, but another time.  This one was rather challenging.  Here I learned the importance of fighting to keep a girl entertained.  Of course being financially competent was the least of my troubles compared to appeasing her need for what the old English nickname, knowledge.  Sadly for me, I was the ill-informed self cockblocker.  After the time period, I broke up with her due to some pretentious excuse of male integrity and virginity. Not many men can admit to this, but sometimes we screw ourselves out of a good thing. And this 18 year-old  knew jack shit about making a girl happy.  Come to think of it, this 27 year-old is feelin rather ignorant to this day. Also, she was the only girl I dated who was born in the same year as me.  And after some time of being away, we're on speaking terms.  We're two consenting adults now, so of course we're gonna get along and have our occasional "hey, what's up" type dialog. 

[Bryan O'Maley should do a comic on my love life... no. Not really]

     Sometimes, progress can be a dangerous form of change.  With that, Let's meet my last girlfriend before I became an adult. I met Leah on the way home from downtown back in February of 2005.  This lasted a bit longer than my last two, but this ended on broken promises on her end. We rarely saw each other, though we reached each other via telecommunications.  But in the end, it became the worst of the three.

   Each of these three lasted about 3 months or more. But ultimately, I have no regrets, especially with some of these people having four to even fifteen ex lovers and spouses.  Sure I did have my shortcomings during my twenties, but at least i didn't jump into a full on relationship, and NO, for me anything less than two months is NOT dating or a relationship at all.  Compared to these individuals, I feel that I was done a favor to stay single. But then again, who wants to be single, at least they had some way of being approached that got them at least laid.

   In the end, I guess having less to no prior failures in relationships is kind of advantageous.  But for me, they're not failures but examples of the standards we set in the future.  In fact the latter two are on my Facebook [read the disclaimer].  After that I learned alot.  But it all boils down to this: Wake up, do what you do on your average day, maybe something fun like, watching a marathon of your favorite show, rinse and repeat. 

       Between the blackout and my last break up, I can't say it wasn't a nice experience to feel love.  And also, I hope the fourth girlfriend will be someone I keep for a lifetime.  A big thank you to my three ex-girlfriends for showing me what love is. I'll do better than last time.

[here's to the fourth]

Scott Pilgrim (c) Bryan Lee O'maley/ Oni Press
Fan art by Captainosaka, E Man, and supersmashsketcher

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