Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Life's Little Clusterf*cks Episode 5: Wait What?

[written on September 9, 2011]

Previously on Life's Little Clusterfucks.....

                                                           Got nothin  :P  Warning: Contains Profanity, Sexual Content, and Truth.

  1. Numbers game, huh? ok then #69, you know the drill
  2. Dude, your left hand.... That's just not right.
  3. While we're at it, where were you the past few weeks?
  4. And that better be ice cream
  5. Dude
  6. what
  7. guess what i saw
  8. what
  9. a cute little kitty cat with a pop tart body that shits rainbows in the night sky
  10. ffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuu-
  11. The moment you by apple products, niggas will start shunnin you?
  12. why
  13. i phone 24g will have released by then. with more apps than the money you spent on that fossil.
  14. should have planned ahead, chief
  15. Tagged: the craigslist of social networking.
  16. Hey!! you promised me the consumption of dangerous shit with that bacon, Mr. Epic Meal Time!!! *pouts*
  17. *Muscles glasses steps in front of me*
  18. *change of heart* Next time, i'm eating my own turd  *runs scared*
  19. So I hear you like to steal bikes. Well mines is waitin to meet your neck
  20. What? my favorite celebrity nude?
  22. Dancing hamsters just save a post apocalyptic world!!
  23. Pour That in your cup and drink it. BIATCH
  24. what's that, they don't use "biatch" anymore? fu--
  25. I hear when you disregard the terms and conditions, a creepy little pervert shows up to remind you
  26. Don't look at me, you're the one who checked the box...
  27. Why am I obsessed with girls you ask
  28. Hey, you're the one showin me those naked pictures...
  29. Alright, time for the sneak preview of Iron Man 3...
  30. *Sees Rick Astley*
  31. *big explosion in neighborhood*
  32. I swear this dude in The YuYu Hakusho Parody sounds just like Yuusuke and Kuwabara.
  33. Listen to the naked black man in the towel. Your boyfriend will approve.
  34. They say the Owl is watching you masturbate.
  35. It's because he's not really an owl, he's a sheltered son of a prominent pastor.
  36. he just curious so there's nothin to be creeped out about.
  37. Trust me, just show him some porn and he'll follow suit.
  38. Took ya ass four episodes to find out that your friend is a crazed homicidal maniac.
  39. I would have ran away if i were you.
  40. Next Time, I'm Eating space colonies.
See Ya in Episode Six!!!

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