Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Showa Vs. Geek Girl Prejudice.

[subject to rant and personal view.  You've been Warned. Do try to keep an open mind when reading this.]

[hmmm... should I or shouldn't I? ponders]

     Long before the age of the internet, women have fought valiantly for rights similar to their no-tit having, penis-dangling counterparts.  Voting, fighting for their respected nations, playing in sports; all venues not being spared, and geekdom is no exception.  Me being a male, I can't pretend to understand what they go through (thus giving me the feeling of being useless), but one can tell you some shit that will blow your freaking minds.

[Fact: Showa likes girls with large chests. Deal with it.  And this is a sexy pic of Mara Jane, aka Winking Daisys]

     During my younger days, finding a woman with the same passion as I do for geek culture was far more arduous than now. Girls my age in this field would rather fuck an ox before taking an interest in me, or be forced to move to an unreachable area, and friendzoning wasn't an option for them back then.  I've only attracted the attention of under-aged minors in this sense, and despite the underlying flattery, I was ultimately uncomfortable.  This has somewhat changed as time passes, but me and those who share my frustration and confusion have an even bigger challenge. Leaving me to ask, "What to do with the influx of more women entering the geek scene"?

     A while ago, I did a blog about geek conventions evolution and de-evolution.  The overall message is the same, but I plan to elaborate on one subject I overlooked.  My reason was that at the time this was brought up, I felt that I had little to no way of putting my views on it. So here it is: To an extent, hot beautiful women displaying their love for comics, anime, and games is a sign of good times, but there are some repercussions that come with the territory.

 [For some people, it's never enough]

     Again, girls that like what I like are hot.  Seeing a girl play Bayonetta, or watch all episodes of my favorite anime or tokusatsu really turns me on.  I hope to see more women have this mentality in the future.  But with this increase comes complexity, most of which is unwelcome.  The complaints thereof towards this blossoming trend are kind of misplaced.  The male half of the spectrum feeling a sense of intimidation and insecurity to the point of making less than valid arguments with more fuckin profanty than Angry Video Game Nerd playing Mario's Missing.  As one internet personality put it, these individuals are looking for something to bitch at.  They favor the attention similar to a girl just baring all tit and no nipples on a social media site.

[Nerd boy, when a geek girl asks you to squeeze her tits, you say "YES"]

     Personally, I don't see what the problem is, if someone who looks like Kat Dennings likes what I like, wether mainstream or not, walks through the door of a convention, you better start clapping in amazement or get the hell out.

[Balck Panther: "Nigga, shut your faggot ass up with all this hatin and join me"]

     Ladies, don't stand and agree with me just yet.  In the fight for racial equality, some black folks hated white people regardless of guilt or innocence, some people in the gay community made a mockery of straight people, even those who had no beef with the LGBT, and in the hunt for romance, men and women fake pleasantries for two years of  prostitution [word it anyway you like, it's still prostitution].  The point of all that is, there will be someone using such handicaps to bite the hand that feeds them.  It's not new, you see it in social media, masking their lack of restraint and stability as a positive choice.  Some use their beauty to attract the wrong attention, and it saddens me to see it in conventions, if not hear about it. How?  You have seen what goes on in night club, strip joints and bars, right? You know how those smoked up on pride and swagger make things look like a popularity contest.... same case in your alley.  We're too busy finding the creeper stereotypes, not realizing that there is a chance that the most cool or sexy looking cosplayer or con-goer could be just as lethal.  Ask the co-founder of Dragon-Con. Either check yourself or the woman next to you to see if she gives "Geek Girl" a bad image.

[Just get along and love each other. Geek knows no class nor gender]

     I wish I had the joy of meeting more girls who shared the same mindset as me before leaving high school. Life would have been less difficult for me.  So I ask you guys, why not look at this from my viewpoint?  We've become too jaded to the point of rejecting anyone who enters into geek culture.  Again this saddens me to no end.  Think about what it felt like to be treated like shit because you were not up to par with someone else's standards.  Sucked donkey balls, didn't it?  It might not be a perfect transition for you, but appreciate the new wave of geekdom entering in.  We should be different from those who bullied and rejected us, and be an example of creative freedom and integrity.  So how about it, can we all get along?
With that said, bring on that hot Esmarelda cosplayer ;)

Ja Ane

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