Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Life's Little Clusterf*cks Episode 4: Hammer Time!!! Bitches

[Written August 23, 2011]

Hi Internet.
Easy Way: Read the disclaimers from my last set of clusterfucks
Hard Way: Play the ass retarded dislexic with the disclaimer and give me red tape; or a reason to put on my "Nigga Face".

Take Fleece's advice. Please.
.......Oh I see you're choosin the HARD way.... [creepy rape face]
No no no, It's fine, by all means,

Give me some ideas....

Take a Look at all these fuckin clusterfucks, internet.  The silliest shit you will ever see.

  1. There aint a goddamn amount of money you can give me to lay face and cock first on public property
  2. While we're on that subject, not on a fuckin tiger. Take a lesson from Katt Williams.
  3. Batmanning? ._. No
  4. The not so stereotypical Russian is not to be robbed. Unless you wanna be apart of his next Youtube video.
  5. And that will be the last appearance you'll have. Have a nice day.
  6. You still on that autotune shit? Dubstep is where it's at!
  7. I built this clusterfuck in a cave...with a box of scraps
  8. Speaking of youtube, don't bother,dude. Dailymotion can help you with your stress relief.;)
  9. Burgers on a bayonett: INTERNET FUCKIN WIN!!
  10. The word EPIC will never die! Not as long as we have cool shit on the internet.
  11. Off topic; why the fuck do people trust loan sharks? You're not above cement shoes and manslaughter if you do business with them
  12. Take your pick: Unscripted retardation on music networks? Or Jackass knock offs on the internet
  13. Hey Trollface, why u no fix that ugly ass face of yours?
  14. U scare children
  15. Speaking of, since when does teddy bear who jacks off to minors need a representer?
  16. This is why i have your pics, cause you ain't learn your lesson!
  17. Better a game you lose for playing in the first place than that minstrel assfuck on BET!
  18. seriously that shit makes me wanna sing that racist van song on american history x
  19. Recording your criminal acts only serves as a free dating service for prison mates
  20. happy butt fuck ^-^
  21. Is it me or is that Yahtzee is the Simon Cowell of games?
  22. Rebecca Black, I hate your friday song. But I don't think you're a bad person. No seriously
  23. Dear Power Ranger fans, are you fangasming now.
  24. So. Many. Sentai Heroes.
  25. Seriously, where did these fucking trolls come from?
  26. Light Yagami's alter ego sight is actually real.
  27. I bet ya some money someone made a cult for Wikipedia
  29. Microsoft Sam is a fuckin cyberbully
  30. He's the reason for alot of suicides lately
  31. First Wall-Mart, now the Home Depot. The less they rap about Toy's R Us, the better
  32. And not a single fuck was given when I wrote the this.
  33. Facebook's gettin more pussy right now.
  34. And as Long ad Google+ is here. The future doesn't look promissing for myspace.
  35. I read some fanfiction that'll make 2grils and a cup look like kitten ranch
  36. speaking of, cute animal behavior gets ya views
  37. Train antics are no longer funny on youtube, just sad
  38. to be continued.... In Episode 5

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