Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Day Goku Came to Life.

     On December of 1984, Akira Toriyama's  Dragon Ball was serialized in Weekly Shounen Jump. The individual volume versions of this series began publication from November 10th 1985, to August 4th 1995.

[Didn't take long to have a voice, huh?]

   on the day of this being written (February 28), the series received an anime adaptation on Fuji TV; thanks to Toei and Toei Animation.  It aired in Japan from that time until April 12, 1989.  For North American release, Dragon Ball underwent three revisions; the first one dubbed by Harmony Gold in the same year the series ended in Japan.  Most of the names of the characters were changed during the time, and the show was test market in very few cities.

[Harmony Gold: "Bitch, you look like Goku"!]

      The last two revisions were in 1995 and 2001.  Both of these were handled by Funimation Studios. In 1995, however, voice acting was handled  in Canada, also the series was edited for content, then eventually scrapped after 13 episodes in favor of it's sequel, Dragon Ball Z[Dragon Ball 17 - 42].  After said sequel's success on Cartoon Network's Toonami Block,  Funimation re-worked the 1986 adaptation; using the in-house staff from the Texas-based distributor for voice acting.  They also kept the original Shunsuke Kikuchi tracks and made lesser edits to the content.  DVD's were released in March of 2003; remastered editions would soon follow in 2009.

     The series in general was a huge success, and has since then made a huge impact in the history of comics and animation.  Though often times overshadowed by it's more action-oriented sequel, Dragon Ball has set the stage for shounen manga and anime.  It's art style and themes of adventure, martial arts, and action has won the attention of fans worldwide.  For me, I favor this over Z, which isn't to say that Z was piss or anything [not even close to bad]. One of my favorite sagas, was the Red Ribbon arc; Goku decimating an entire army was rather badass and has cemented my love for the series.  Upon that, DB was one of my first animes I grew up on as a kid.  With the sequel's new Movie, "Battle of the Gods" coming soon or in theaters after this writing, t

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Life's Little Clusterf*cks Episode 4: Hammer Time!!! Bitches

[Written August 23, 2011]

Hi Internet.
Easy Way: Read the disclaimers from my last set of clusterfucks
Hard Way: Play the ass retarded dislexic with the disclaimer and give me red tape; or a reason to put on my "Nigga Face".

Take Fleece's advice. Please.
.......Oh I see you're choosin the HARD way.... [creepy rape face]
No no no, It's fine, by all means,

Give me some ideas....

Take a Look at all these fuckin clusterfucks, internet.  The silliest shit you will ever see.

  1. There aint a goddamn amount of money you can give me to lay face and cock first on public property
  2. While we're on that subject, not on a fuckin tiger. Take a lesson from Katt Williams.
  3. Batmanning? ._. No
  4. The not so stereotypical Russian is not to be robbed. Unless you wanna be apart of his next Youtube video.
  5. And that will be the last appearance you'll have. Have a nice day.
  6. You still on that autotune shit? Dubstep is where it's at!
  7. I built this clusterfuck in a cave...with a box of scraps
  8. Speaking of youtube, don't bother,dude. Dailymotion can help you with your stress relief.;)
  9. Burgers on a bayonett: INTERNET FUCKIN WIN!!
  10. The word EPIC will never die! Not as long as we have cool shit on the internet.
  11. Off topic; why the fuck do people trust loan sharks? You're not above cement shoes and manslaughter if you do business with them
  12. Take your pick: Unscripted retardation on music networks? Or Jackass knock offs on the internet
  13. Hey Trollface, why u no fix that ugly ass face of yours?
  14. U scare children
  15. Speaking of, since when does teddy bear who jacks off to minors need a representer?
  16. This is why i have your pics, cause you ain't learn your lesson!
  17. Better a game you lose for playing in the first place than that minstrel assfuck on BET!
  18. seriously that shit makes me wanna sing that racist van song on american history x
  19. Recording your criminal acts only serves as a free dating service for prison mates
  20. happy butt fuck ^-^
  21. Is it me or is that Yahtzee is the Simon Cowell of games?
  22. Rebecca Black, I hate your friday song. But I don't think you're a bad person. No seriously
  23. Dear Power Ranger fans, are you fangasming now.
  24. So. Many. Sentai Heroes.
  25. Seriously, where did these fucking trolls come from?
  26. Light Yagami's alter ego sight is actually real.
  27. I bet ya some money someone made a cult for Wikipedia
  29. Microsoft Sam is a fuckin cyberbully
  30. He's the reason for alot of suicides lately
  31. First Wall-Mart, now the Home Depot. The less they rap about Toy's R Us, the better
  32. And not a single fuck was given when I wrote the this.
  33. Facebook's gettin more pussy right now.
  34. And as Long ad Google+ is here. The future doesn't look promissing for myspace.
  35. I read some fanfiction that'll make 2grils and a cup look like kitten ranch
  36. speaking of, cute animal behavior gets ya views
  37. Train antics are no longer funny on youtube, just sad
  38. to be continued.... In Episode 5

Friday, February 22, 2013

LLCF Episode 3-ish.

[written July 31, Heisei23(2011).  I love big breasts.... not apologizing]

WARNING: LIKE many before this, it contains obscene language. This also contains sexual themes. you've been warned.
Also this contains a familiar subject matter of mine
I mean seriously some motherfuckers need to read the disclaimers somtimes, jeez

Life as a Boob Lover

It's a nice warm day out, you the healthy sexual male decides to walk out only to find hot half naked women walk the streets. You're not so easily phased by their looks, but one girl in particular catches your eye. before you can step within 2 feet of her, two other guys try to talk to her; you see that they're paying close attention to two things on her chest. Instantly you see right through them, just as the female does; she tells them off, they leave. You grow an innate fear of being rejected bachelor number 3, so you quickly turn around before you get cussed out.  The thing is this healthy guy knows what type of women he likes, but is cautious about it, mostly for these reasons

some women are uncomfortable with their body because they have what men usually wank to
these said motherfuckers wanna just fuck.
In the words of former B2K member Omarion; I want it as bad as they do, but they look out for themselves, I do it to make you happy.

In the case of reason number one: There are tons of girls with large boobs, but to further elaborate, there are those who are threatened by their shape and size.  Some out fear of being called a fat-ass or ugly; others because they are harassed on a constant basis by oversexed lesbians and single men; others who are jealous of Maxim babes, or a mix of all of the above. Speaking on a personal note, I'm at a disadvantage of meeting those who follow this case more than meeting a woman who is far more accepting and overjoyed. It almost feels like the only such women that exist are porn stars or the usual "good prospects are taken" cliche'; or rather, the "not your type" kind.

For reason number two; If you are a true breast man or woman, this will hurt you HARDER than a 2x4 pocky plank to the ass.  Fucking pushy mother fuckers. In certain cases i find myself in that category; mostly because of what i feel forced to deal with.  Humans are flawed individuals, if you're jumping in to romance, you're bound to fuck up in some form or fashion whether on the first try or later on, thats how it happens.  But even in my horrid failures of the previous, my intentions stayed the same: to get along and be with her for the long haul.  The fact that I've solidified my love for milk pillows comes with it, but most won't know till either one of us brings it up. I know i suck at this dating thing, but some of the news feed i witnessed when i logged on, really says some unsettling things about some of the company these angels keep.  These dick-in-the-mouth twats  are really tryin too hard. And before you chastise me about my shortcomings, let me say this, unlike the people you deal with, at least I have the balls to admit I'm wrong. The thing is, I wouldn't say this if i never had a problem to begin with. Also I'm not in the mood for "oh the right one will come to you" crap. Thanks but I'm currently in no danger or ever will be. I've grown to learn from my mistakes so please don't write me such comments

Overall, like a girl who's constantly badgered for sex, so are breast lovers as they're often labeled as shallow unrealistic deviants. Times I had to withhold this from most people seeing that society likes it's men to be eunuchs; that and i fear the response from female peers.  Some people these days just don't appreciate juggs, especially large ones.  How much mental resolve do you have REALLY? Again, a real Breast lover should look at why they love the funbags so much. And in our defense we shouldn't feel uncomfortable about it.  So what's so wrong about being a person with a preference; especially when it comes to the human body; some people like feet, some girls like fat guys and vice versa, others like big heads, some guys like small chested women. So who's to judge. So I leave with this: would it hurt to let the big breasted women and the people who love them live?
 Tune in Next time as I fondle these Halibel and Rangiku cosplayers at this panel :p
Showa: Hey ladies....
Cosplayers: hi there, Showa-sama
[Showa grabs both of their boobs]
Halibel Cosplayer: well dam, Showa-sama!
Rangiku: ouch! not so hard
Showa: :p ;)

Monday, February 18, 2013

Life's Little Clusterf*cks Episode 2: Pierce it with your ****

Warning: may contain obscene language and my opinon. I warned you. Don't bitch about it after reading..

  1. 1. In regards to the subtitle, yes it's a dick joke. nothin new. 
  2. Why do people fight for no goddamn reason in a "serious relationship"? Most of it is petty shit that has nothing to do with what's really important.
  3. No seriously. Take the bad with the good right? Which means, I -shouldn't give a shit about what you do or did wrong. So what the fuck is your damage?
  4. My fault? Bitch, I just came here. I didn't get any memo about me playing you for a hoe.
  5. Whilst we're at it, do I know you?
  6. How is it when some people try to do good, they suffer greatly, and when they decide to do evil, they don't get said treatment? You know, like the amoeba boys from "Powerpuff Girls"
  7. I guess we're not relatable to others unless we repeat the same mistakes huh?
  8. I noticed this, black funerals have that one woman who cries for no goddamn reason
  9. again, bitch. Do I know you?
  10. Why do people sign up for shit they're not prepared for? Like strip clubs and Navy SEALS?
  11. Fuck, I forgot. Money. I don't care if answers all things, that's not a good reason for why you're here.
  12. Not all fanboys, fangirls, gamers, and otakus are retarded pretentious, egotistical, trolling dickcheses. Some are the sweetest people you'll ever meet. so what's with the cruelty towards them?
  13. "ugh" Iswear to God if I see another one of those shits, I'm gonna FUCKIN EXPLODE!!!! UUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!
  14. Saw no.13? 
  15. Why do some men turn to the internet for dating? Because they don't wanna go to jail for what others before them did.
  16. Maybe that person is the way he or she is because that person didn't get any love where you congregate.
  17. Get a life! OK [5 hours later] Why do you look fucked up? Life! That's why!
  18. I'm all for sexting and shit, but seriously nobody else needs to see your privates or her privates. Have some discretion, damn.
  19. Toei, stop bitching about your tokusatsu beein subbed. foreigners buying your toys means more money. [for all you anti-fansubbers, i'm sorry]
  21. Get a job! ok. [next day] What they say? "Fuckoff!" [next day] So...? "YOU HAVE A PENIS!! WE'RE NOT HIRING YOU,YA FAG" [next day] Did you get hired? Does "gasp it's a black person with a dick" mean yes to you? [next day] What they say? "We'll dick with you for 90 days" Oh.....fuck..
  22. Either I'm too strong or everything's made of weak glass?
  23. Why do some shonen anime and manga take 100 volumes and episodes to defeat an enemy? I understand that you have to have a faulty hero for tension sake, but y'all motherfuckers go too far.
  24. Insanity shouldn't mean that doing something different give you the same results. So what's the deal?
  25. Gokaiger wasted no time in being awesome. Where were you when this epicness happened, Decade?
  26. Is it wrong to compare Animaniacs to Japanese kid shows? Both ring in adult themes so....
  27. Some of you ask for a god to date with... If that's the case, i can take you to church.
  28. Dirty old businessman, you're wastin your son's college money on somethin you can get for free on the internet.
  29. Authority is something you fear/respect unless they're abusive dickcheeses.
  30. For Fuck sake give Sonic the Hedgehog a chance. He didn't disappoint with Sonic 4 and Colors, so Generations could do 10x mor awesome.
  31. Why aren't there any good men or women? Because you have no hope! that's why. you won't look nor travel the distance. You're weak.
  32. Why can't people say No from the offset?
  33. Yes I like you. Yes I want you. Yes I wanna date you. No, I can't tell you the rest. You'll hate me if i told you now.
  34. Furthermore, stop focusing on that and let me be your friend.
  35. Lessons on reading between the lines from one who refuses.
  36. Lighter note, I saved money on insurance b... ah fuck it you know the rest
  37. I believe that you can never get more than a handfull. [hint hint]
  38. Speakin of Gokaiger, Pirates are still in this year, BIATCH!
  39. I'm not a horndog, honest [mr johnny's at attention isn't he] [shit!]
  40. Why's Dexter from Dexter's Lab the only member of the family with an accent?
  41. Yeah, I have to side with Yusuke-kun here, why did Lanipator give that Ice guy a Hank Hill voice? 
That's all for Episode 2
Now if you'll excuse me, I'll have to file a restraining order on the lady from the funeral... after i date her [she's got a nice pair of...]
Everyone: (agitated)SHOWA!!!
Ok ok. I'll end it. sheesh...

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Showa Vs. Geek Girl Prejudice.

[subject to rant and personal view.  You've been Warned. Do try to keep an open mind when reading this.]

[hmmm... should I or shouldn't I? ponders]

     Long before the age of the internet, women have fought valiantly for rights similar to their no-tit having, penis-dangling counterparts.  Voting, fighting for their respected nations, playing in sports; all venues not being spared, and geekdom is no exception.  Me being a male, I can't pretend to understand what they go through (thus giving me the feeling of being useless), but one can tell you some shit that will blow your freaking minds.

[Fact: Showa likes girls with large chests. Deal with it.  And this is a sexy pic of Mara Jane, aka Winking Daisys]

     During my younger days, finding a woman with the same passion as I do for geek culture was far more arduous than now. Girls my age in this field would rather fuck an ox before taking an interest in me, or be forced to move to an unreachable area, and friendzoning wasn't an option for them back then.  I've only attracted the attention of under-aged minors in this sense, and despite the underlying flattery, I was ultimately uncomfortable.  This has somewhat changed as time passes, but me and those who share my frustration and confusion have an even bigger challenge. Leaving me to ask, "What to do with the influx of more women entering the geek scene"?

     A while ago, I did a blog about geek conventions evolution and de-evolution.  The overall message is the same, but I plan to elaborate on one subject I overlooked.  My reason was that at the time this was brought up, I felt that I had little to no way of putting my views on it. So here it is: To an extent, hot beautiful women displaying their love for comics, anime, and games is a sign of good times, but there are some repercussions that come with the territory.

 [For some people, it's never enough]

     Again, girls that like what I like are hot.  Seeing a girl play Bayonetta, or watch all episodes of my favorite anime or tokusatsu really turns me on.  I hope to see more women have this mentality in the future.  But with this increase comes complexity, most of which is unwelcome.  The complaints thereof towards this blossoming trend are kind of misplaced.  The male half of the spectrum feeling a sense of intimidation and insecurity to the point of making less than valid arguments with more fuckin profanty than Angry Video Game Nerd playing Mario's Missing.  As one internet personality put it, these individuals are looking for something to bitch at.  They favor the attention similar to a girl just baring all tit and no nipples on a social media site.

[Nerd boy, when a geek girl asks you to squeeze her tits, you say "YES"]

     Personally, I don't see what the problem is, if someone who looks like Kat Dennings likes what I like, wether mainstream or not, walks through the door of a convention, you better start clapping in amazement or get the hell out.

[Balck Panther: "Nigga, shut your faggot ass up with all this hatin and join me"]

     Ladies, don't stand and agree with me just yet.  In the fight for racial equality, some black folks hated white people regardless of guilt or innocence, some people in the gay community made a mockery of straight people, even those who had no beef with the LGBT, and in the hunt for romance, men and women fake pleasantries for two years of  prostitution [word it anyway you like, it's still prostitution].  The point of all that is, there will be someone using such handicaps to bite the hand that feeds them.  It's not new, you see it in social media, masking their lack of restraint and stability as a positive choice.  Some use their beauty to attract the wrong attention, and it saddens me to see it in conventions, if not hear about it. How?  You have seen what goes on in night club, strip joints and bars, right? You know how those smoked up on pride and swagger make things look like a popularity contest.... same case in your alley.  We're too busy finding the creeper stereotypes, not realizing that there is a chance that the most cool or sexy looking cosplayer or con-goer could be just as lethal.  Ask the co-founder of Dragon-Con. Either check yourself or the woman next to you to see if she gives "Geek Girl" a bad image.

[Just get along and love each other. Geek knows no class nor gender]

     I wish I had the joy of meeting more girls who shared the same mindset as me before leaving high school. Life would have been less difficult for me.  So I ask you guys, why not look at this from my viewpoint?  We've become too jaded to the point of rejecting anyone who enters into geek culture.  Again this saddens me to no end.  Think about what it felt like to be treated like shit because you were not up to par with someone else's standards.  Sucked donkey balls, didn't it?  It might not be a perfect transition for you, but appreciate the new wave of geekdom entering in.  We should be different from those who bullied and rejected us, and be an example of creative freedom and integrity.  So how about it, can we all get along?
With that said, bring on that hot Esmarelda cosplayer ;)

Ja Ane

Monday, February 11, 2013

Life's Little Clusterf*cks Season 1 Episode 1: The Beginning

[This will be posted on Blogspot every week.  One LLCF per week before the Premiere of Season 2.]
Things that pierced question marks and other shit in my head in my childhood on up. WARNING: graphic language
  1. Why did they name a nightclub after a castle made of sand?
  2. Lucky Piquel from "bonkers", Yeah his gut reminded me of mozerella
  3. Why are boobs the same size in kids cartoons Like Batman or Animaniacs
  4. speaking of cartoons, would it hurt to put a little effort in the whole cartoon show instead of misleading us with the anime style intros? [and Yes thundercats, I'm talkin to you too]
  5. Also, What the fuck was up with lack of pants in regards to some of our childhood heroes? Thank god they fixed that problem as time progressed.
  6. Seriously, I like Doug and everything but he and some of the characters look like they're sufferin hair loss or cancer. What's the deal?
  7. Why is Asuka such a BITCH?
  8. Anyone notice the age gap between Usagi and Mamoru from Sailor Moon
  9. Why is it that whenever shit get popular, my Christian faith and English Speaking Parents always got some bullshit to come up with (example: Pokemon is of the devil; Harry Potter mocks Christendom; Power Rangers is too violent;) Shut the Fuck up?
  10. What the fuck was up with the shoulderpads on womens blouses. It's like they're goin to a football game rather than a date or trip to the office?
  11. US anime distributors really pissed themselves when they realized that foreign anime fans aren't stupid. Thanks to the internet, we get to see what the Japanese see...  almost
  12. Goddamn it Link, will you stop being a horny wanker?  You were a much better hero in the original video games.
  13. Speaking of nintendo cartoons, Mario and Luigi's clothes were the same color in every goddamn cartoon since the Mario Brothers super Show... ugh
  14. I think Apple and all those companies haven't learned from the past with these tablets. How the fuck am I supposed to fit this shit in my pocket?
  15. Why was Animanics so fuckin awesome ?[oh wait i know the answer to that one]
  16. What was up with that one perfume commercial? You know, the one with the dramatic talking and pimp slapping. I like it but what the fuck!?
  17. FUCK MOHAWKS!!! i'm sorry...
  18. Bitch, was it that serious to cut a guy's dick off?
  19. I love my Year of birth!!!! Yeah, I time traveled there!!! :)
  20. Is it me or the guy singing the theme songs to the Disney Afternoon cartoons was really pumped up
  22. That's not the real sequel to Super Mario Bros!! it's cool but, Damn it, where's the real one??
  23. Why do Most R-rated movies try too hard. to me they're only pleasing 8 year-olds.
  24. How short pants for men were made back then raises two questions...
  25. Was he gay?
  26. or was it a horny ass girl who would like nothing to see something bulge?
  27. Speaking of unwanted erections, i like my shirts to not be in my pants. I don't care if it's not formal
  28. I miss the parachute game! that was fuckin fun!!!
  29. Super Mario 3!! Best. Game. EVARRRRRRR!!!!
  30. What, you had a boob job? LIES!!!! ALL LIES!!!!
  31. I learned about sex in cartoons and less obscene material more than explicit shit
  32. Some shit looked better in lo-res graphics
  33. I remembered that disney cartoons had guns, guns and more guns.... and more death than in movies....:3
  34. Darkwing duck ep.1 &2: best episodes EVARRRR!!!!
  35. Little bits: nuff said
  36. WINNIN': There!! Can I be in the cool crowd now?
  37. What? No!? Fuck you too!
  38. Hey, if He-Man's gay, then so is Lion-O!! seriously, look at their clothes.  Cheetarah's wearin a fuckin bathin suit. Didn't think that through did ya.... fucker...
  39. I miss fun dips!!!
  40. Why are our music networks full of retards? I mean they're showin promise now but seriously
  41. Bad girl's Club is better with the volume turned OFF!
  42. I didn't know that Shaggy was a kick ass gymnast... Epic man!!!
  43. One last thing, What the fuck was with the 1-900 numbers geared to kids?  Now that I think about it, i bet whoever called them was scarred for life.