Tuesday, October 15, 2013

LLCF Episode 2.2: The name of My friend's Bike is St. Magneton

Warning: May cause butthurt.  This will be my only outlet for what I truly feel. If you're not down with that, please leave.  This is comedy done by yours truly.

   What the fuck you mean, your bike gets you bitches?  Dah, fuck it, let's jump right in.

  1. This clusterfuck got me feelin all types of happy
  2. And you don't know what way you're feelin.
  3. That song got you feelin some type of dipshit.
  4. If you can't figure out what type of way you're feelin, then you need to see a psychiatrist.
  5. I mean goddamn, person. Did you feel some type of passive agressive before some famous rapper fucked your wife?
  6. Did you feel some type of mediocre black romance when your suitor passed by?
  7. Did you feel some type of emotionally retarded before your greatest disappoint hit you in your fuckin face?
  8. Shut your whore mouth and get the fuck out my face with that bullshit?
  9. Takin you 30 minutes to figure out shit.... mother fucker...
  10. I swear, Facebook is ancient Greece right now
  11. Everyone tryin to be the next Socrates or Plato
  12. Pretty sure those motherfuckers touched children.
  13. Look at your news feed and tell me you don't see some low count hypocrite spoutin out philosophical prostitution
  14. I don't think wisdom is supposed to be a fad.
  15. or the equivalent of Rent-a-Hoe.
  16. These quotes make me want to be foolish.
  17. Like doin the opposite of what they tell you.
  18. What's that? The fuck you mean Raven Symone told you to be an insecure mate.
  19. The fuck you mean the Allstate Guy told you to check your girl and her male friend who's really a side nigga?
  20. No Spam, I'm quite fine with my size, ask anyone who saw
  21. aw shit, I said too much
  22. Back to no. 12, Those niggas weren't even Catholic.
  23. Still can't figure out what you're feelin? Well shit!
  24. A rapper fucked your bitch
  25. and your best friend
  26. It's clear he goes two ways
  27. Even that got me feelin some type of way...
  28. that type of way that makes my brain feel shafted.
  29. Well Fuck.....
  30. The fuck you mean suck your dick, you're a bike?
  31. Well of to play games made by guys who masturbated to Super Mario Bros the Lost Levels.
See you in episode 3.  I'm gonna make it a poin to talk about breasts every third episode. :3 Not just Sayin, it's gonna happen.

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