Saturday, January 12, 2013

Showa vs Goku vs Superman: The F**K!? I Don't Wanna Die...

     After being delayed a couple of days after it's proposed release date (December 21, 2012), Screw Attack's video of the legendary battle between Goku (Dragon Ball) and Superman has finally hit the internet.

[Warning: This post is subject to opinion by the blogger. the opinions express does not reflect the sources involved]

[After what I saw, this is bullshit]

     Wizard and Boomstick, the hosts for the Screw Attack segment, Death Battle, went through great lengths in making sure that they got they're facts straight; pulling sources from the likes of Kanzenshuu, Superman Home Page and The Dao of Dragonball, just to name a few.  With that, many misconceptions were weeded out of this age old debate...

     Some of the factors they pointed out were really spot on.  Due to the scope of this debate, however, I can only name a few of them.  To start off, mental prowess and stability: Goku is strong willed and resistant to outside vices and desires, in fact he's very pure and sincere.  He has no hidden agendas to speak of.  The lifetime spent in martial arts has made him something of a disciplined force in combat, but since he's a Saiyan and Saiyans thrive on violence and stress, his inhibitions can break off easily, especially when he transforms.  For Saiyans, the stronger they become (in the case of Ozaru and Super forms), the more they are prone to instinct and lack of discipline towards violence.  This coupled with his need to break limits under the most stressful of circumstances makes for a dangerous force.  Furthermore, the closest Goku has ever had to formal education was his time with Muten Roshi the turtle hermit, yet by his prime, Goku doesn't want or need it because for him, it would prove counterproductive, especially since he's a genius in the battlefield.  Superman on the other hand is a walking safe of mental discipline.  As a kid, he placed mental walls on himself in order to take control of his powers and other actions.  But overtime, he has proven to let them loose with no effort.  In short, he has great self control over himself (and he was trained to resist mental attacks).

     Goku fights to improve himself as a person; even though he likes protect his friends and the planet he lives in, he focuses on breaking past his physical barriers.  He looks for solutions to overcome stressful conditions.  Superman focuses more on protecting others. Sure he isn't resistant to kryptonite, and magic, yes he needs sunlight, but if you take those away, he's almost invincible. But his main focus is using it to protect others; it's as if his life is almost inconsequential.

     Of course there is the issue of their stories.  Superman, like most western comics of his make, has undergone years of different writers, and in an attempt to make things fair, Death Battle focused mostly on the comics from the Bronze Age.  But even with that, varying talent can make and break western comic more than anything.  Thus creating canon issues.  Comics like Dragonball however, are fixed and structured; having no rewrites or reboots whatsoever. The issue for Death Battle, came from mistranslations from the anime's English dub (excluding Dragonball Z Kai). Then there's Dragon Ball GT, which Toriyama-sensei had nothing to do with (which begs why they brought up SSJ4 Goku?).

     Overall, despite the fact we can't truly define them by calculations and such, the facts are straight, and we really can't say that Wiz and Boomstick didn't give this fight a fair shake; considering how many sources they pulled to make it fair and more accurate than previous episodes.

    Screw Attack's Death Battle Segment pits your favorite characters of geekdom to an all out fight to the death.  The combatants are stripped of their inability to kill if they have such and use their skills, weapons, and armor to gauge who is the best warrior.  Ben Singer[Wizard] and Chad James[Boomstick] research their strengths, weaknesses and abilities before and after the fight.

This is Showa 60 saying, Ja Ane [japanese = see ya]

Screw Attack page: 


1 comment:

  1. you forgot that they were also using facts from the dbz movies.
